600 The Alien Abduction Test

Published: July 19, 2021, 4 p.m.

b'EPISODE #600 THE ALIEN ABDUCTION TEST\\\\\\nRichard welcomes the inventor of the API test designed to weed out "Simulators" from real Experiencers. His conclusions reveal that UFOs are real extraterrestrial vehicles and Some ET crews catch and release humans, and they are here to study us.\\nGuest: Don C. Donderi, PhD., The American Personality Inventory (API) is a test that was developed by Ted Davis, Budd Hopkins and Donderi to assess the validity of a report that someone has been abducted by extraterrestrials. It consists of 65 true-false questions and can be completed in about ten minutes either on paper or on a digital device. To develop the API, we compared the answers to 608 true-false questions from 52 people whose abduction narratives were verified by researchers like Hopkins and David Jacobs to the answers from two other groups of people. One group\\xa0of75 controls were people who we simply asked to help us develop a new personality test, but who we had no reason to believe had been abducted. Another group of 26 simulators\\xa0were people whom we were sure knew about the ET abduction phenomenon but whom we had no reason to believe had been abducted. We asked the people in this group to complete the API as if they had been abducted. Using a statistical tool called multivariate discriminant analysis, we were able to classify each person into one of the three groups: abductees, controls or simulators\\xa0based on the pattern of their responses to each of 65 of the original 608 true-false questions. We report here the results of an analysis of 138 more people who completed to the 65-question API, and who had also completed the online Experiencer Survey that is managed by the MUFON Experiencer Research Team.\\nSUPPORT OUR SPONSORS!!!\\nBetterHELP\\xa0-\\xa0Professional Counselling with a Licensed Therapist. You Deserve to Be Happy! Get 10% off your first month at betterhelp.com/Conspiracy\\nC60EVO\\xa0-The Secret is out about this powerful anti-oxidant. The Purest C60 available is ESS60.\\xa0Buy Direct from the Source.\\xa0Buy Now and Save 10% \\u2013 Use Coupon Code: EVRS at Checkout!\\n\\nLife Change and Formula 13 Teas\\xa0All Organic, No Caffeine, Non GMO!\\xa0More Energy!\\xa0Order now, use the code \'unlimited\' to save 10% on all non-SALE items, PLUS... ALL your purchases ships for free!!!\\n\\nStrange Planet Shop\\xa0- If you\'re a fan of the radio show and the podcast, why not show it off?\\xa0Greats T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, and more.\\xa0It\'s a Strange Planet - Dress For It!\\n\\nUnlock Strange Planet Premium at https://strangeplanet.supportingcast.fm/\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices\\nSupport our show by becoming a premium member! https://strangeplanet.supportingcast.fm/'