Remember The Game #44 - Super Metroid

Published: May 1, 2019, 2:39 p.m.

b'Super Metroid turned 25 a couple weeks ago! A better podcast host would have caught that and ran with it, but what can you do? I don\'t think it cared that we missed it.\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\nOne of the greatest games - not only on the Super Nintendo, but of all-time - Super Metroid is an absolute gem. A perfect combination of action, exploration, challenge, and atmosphere (which in the 16-bit era is no small feat), it takes you on a ride. Super Metroid is so good, it served as a primary inspiration in the formation of an entire new genre of video game; the Metroid-Vania. When you look at any list of the "greatest SNES games of all-time", Samus\'s Super Nintendo adventure is a lock for a spot in the top 5. Considering the insane library of games those lists contain, that\'s a pretty incredible feather in it\'s cap.\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\nI missed this one as a kid, but luckily, I caught up to it as an adult. I\'ve probably played through it half a dozen times in the last 10 years, and it\'s one of those titles I keep going back to. When I think of video games, it\'s one of the titles that comes to mind. I love the graphical style of it so much, and when you add in the action, power-ups, and exploration that comes with it, it\'s everything a video game should be. I\'ve tried playing Metroid on the NES in recent years, and while I respect the role it played in paving the way for Super Metroid, it just hasn\'t stood the test of time like it\'s 16-bit counterpart has. And while there are a lot of franchises that made massive improvements during their transition from the 8-bit generation to the 16-bit one, I don\'t think there\'s an IP that levelled up as hard as Samus and friends did.\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\nSuper Metroid is a hall of fame worthy video game. Two of my childhood friends, Daniel and Rob, joined me this week to explain why. This was a fun episode, I hope you like it.\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\nAnd for the love of video games, if you haven\'t played Super Metroid, get your shit together.\\xa0\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'