Remember The Game? #227 - Ape Escape

Published: Dec. 14, 2022, 6 a.m.

b'EXCLUSIVE\\xa0NordVPN Deal -> Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee!\\n\\xa0\\nApe\\xa0Escape is one of those games I\'ve been hearing about since before I started this show. It shows up on every "Best PlayStation Games" list out\\xa0there, and a lot of people seem to have a really soft spot for it from back in the day. I never\\xa0played it when it released, and I was chapped when it didn\'t make the cut on the PlayStation Classic\\xa0because I\'ve always wanted to see what all the hype is about.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nWell, now I have. And while yeah, it is kind of a giant tech demo for the DualShock analog sticks, it\'s also just a really charming little game. You travel from location to location hunting down apes (that are fucking hilarious) and every once and a while you race this kid through weird futuristic obstacle courses, and really isn\'t that al we want in our games?\\n\\xa0\\nMy\\xa0buddy Keegs is one of\\xa0those "grew up loving this game" kids, and he gave me a call to talk about Spikde,\\xa0Spector, shitty Jake, and our adventures hunting escaped apes. We\'re finally\\xa0talking Ape Escape, and RTG is better\\xa0because of it.\\n\\xa0\\nAnd before we catch apes, I slap together another edition of the \'Remember The Game? Infamous Intro\'!\\n\\xa0\\nThis week, we talk about feeling out of touch with the younger gamers today. Someone asks my opinion on letting their kids play violent games. And I\'m a huge fan of The Simpsons, but how does that translate into my comedy?\\n\\xa0\\nPlus we play another round of \'Play One, Remake One, Erase One\', too! This one features 3 of the highest scoring PlayStation games on Metacritic:\\xa0PaRappa The Rappa, Wipeout XL, and Syphon Filter.\\n\\xa0\\nAre you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nTwitter: @MemberTheGame\\nInstagram: @MemberTheGame\\\\\\n\\xa0\\nAnd if you want access to over 250 bonus podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $2/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year!\\n\\xa0\\\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'