Remember The Game? #203 - Tecmo Bowl

Published: June 22, 2022, 5 a.m.

b'This podcast is sponsored by Better Help. They offer affordable, confidential online therapy with trained counselors that specialize in a variety of topics and issues. Visit and get 10% off your first month. Taking care of your mental health is important, and talking to someone is the first step.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\\\n\\xa0\\n\\nSports games are weird, because "old" sports games, like NHL \'13 or Madden \'14, are completely worthless today. But "older" sports games, like NHL \'94, NBA Jam, and Tecmo Bowl, are timeless. Absolutely timeless. In twenty years, nobody will be playing this year\'s Madden game, but people will STILL be hosting Tecmo Bowl tournaments. THAT\'S how good this damned game is.\\n\\n\\xa0\\nI didn\'t play a lot of sports games as a kid, aside from hockey and wrestling, but I\'m slowly making up for lost time in my old age. Tecmo Bowl happened to find it\'s way to the top of the list, and holy hell, I get it now. I get all of it. The tournaments. "No Bo". Why people still play these games over Madden. It\'s just, immaculate. So simple to learn, so fun to play. I\'m mad at myself for not playing it sooner.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nMy buddy Brad DID play Tecmo Bowl as a kid, and we almost got through an entire episode without arguing with each other, because we both just agree that this game slaps, and it should have gotten an episode of RTG a long time ago. It\'s time to right that wrong.\\n\\xa0\\nAnd before we Bowl some Tecmo, I serve up another edition of the \'Remember The Game? Infamous Intro\'!\\n\\xa0\\nThis week, I lay out my stance on reproduction cartridges of retro games.\\xa0What do I think of the situation with Vince McMahon right now? And do I have any interest in attending E3 in person anymore?\\n\\xa0\\nPLUS, we have another round of \'Play One, Remake One, Erase One\', featuring 3 NES sports classics: Baseball Stars, Tecmo Super Bowl\\xa0and Mike\\xa0Tyson\'s\\xa0Punch-Out!\\n\\xa0\\nAre you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nTwitter: @MemberTheGame\\nInstagram: @MemberTheGame\\\\n\\xa0\\nAnd if you want access to over 200 bonus podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $2/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year!\\n\\xa0\\\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'