RCR 089: Trusted Computing Base and the CISSP – CISSP Training and Study!

Published: April 6, 2020, 5 p.m.

Shon Gerber from ShonGerber.com provides you the information and knowledge you need to prepare and pass the CISSP Exam while providing the tools you need to enhance your cybersecurity career.  Shon utilizes his expansive knowledge while providing superior training from his years of training people in cybersecurity.   

Shon will provide CISSP study and training for Domain 3 (Engineering Secure Design) of the CISSP Exam.  His knowledge will provide the skills needed to pass the CISSP.

BTW - Get access to all my Free Content and CISSP Training Courses here at:  https://shongerber.com/  

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CISSP Exam Questions 

Question:  150 

 How is the value of a safeguard to a company calculated? 

A) ALE before safeguard - ALE after implementing the safeguard - annual cost of safeguard 

B) ALE before safeguard * ARO of safeguard 

C) ALE after implementing safeguard - annual cost of safeguard - controls gap 

D) Total risk - controls gap 


[A] ALE before safeguard - ALE after implementing the safeguard - annual cost of safeguard 

The value of a safeguard to an organization is calculated by ALE before safeguard - ALE after implementing the safeguard - annual cost of safeguard [(ALE1 -- ALE2) - ACS]. 


Question:  151 

What is the primary objective of data classification schemes? 

A) To control access to objects for authorized subjects 

B) To formalize and stratify the process of securing data based on assigned labels of importance and sensitivity 

C) To establish a transaction trail for auditing accountability 

D) To manipulate access controls to provide for the most efficient means to grant or restrict functionality 

[B] To formalize and stratify the process of securing data based on assigned labels of importance and sensitivity 

The primary objective of data classification schemes is to formalize and stratify the process of securing data based on assigned labels of importance and sensitivity. 


Question:  152 

What is the primary goal of change management? 

A) Maintaining documentation 

B) Keeping users informed of changes 

C) Allowing rollback of failed changes 

D) Preventing security compromises 


Preventing security compromises 

The prevention of security compromises is the primary goal of change management. 

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