RCR 066: CISSP Sample Exam Questions - CISSP Training and Study!

Published: Feb. 5, 2020, 11 p.m.

Shon Gerber from ShonGerber.com provides you the information and knowledge you need to prepare and pass the CISSP Exam while providing the tools you need to enhance your cybersecurity career.  Shon utilizes his expansive knowledge while providing superior training from his years of training people in cybersecurity. 

In this episode, Shon will provide CISSP training for  Domain 3 (Engineering Secure Design) of the CISSP Exam.  His extensive training will cover all of the CISSP domains.

BTW - Get access to all my CISSP Training Courses here at:  https://shongerber.com/

CISSP Exam Questions

Question:  081

Which one of the following storage devices is most likely to require encryption technology in order to maintain data security in a networked environment?

  1. A) Hard disk
  2. B) Backup tape
  3. C) Removable drives
  4. D) RAM

Removable drives

Removable drives are easily taken out of their authorized physical location, and it is often not possible to apply operating system access controls to them. Therefore, encryption is often the only security measure short of physical security that can be afforded to them. Backup tapes are most often well controlled through physical security measures. Hard disks and RAM chips are often secured through operating system access controls.

Source:  https://www.brainscape.com/flashcards/security-architecture-and-design-983876/packs/1774328>


Question:  082

What advanced virus technique modifies the malicious code of a virus on each system it infects?

  1. A) Polymorphism
  2. B) Stealth
  3. C) Encryption
  4. D) Multipartitism


In an attempt to avoid detection by signature-based antivirus software packages, polymorphic viruses modify their own code each time they infect a system.

Source:  https://www.brainscape.com/flashcards/security-architecture-and-design-983876/packs/1774328>


Question:  083

Which one of the following types of memory might retain information after being removed from a computer and, therefore, represent a security risk?

  1. A) Static RAM
  2. B) Dynamic RAM
  3. C) Secondary memory
  4. D) Real memory

Secondary memory

Secondary memory is a term used to describe magnetic and optical media. These devices will retain their contents after being removed from the computer and may later be read by another user.

Source:  https://www.brainscape.com/flashcards/security-architecture-and-design-983876/packs/1774328>


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