You're Never Not Manifesting

Published: Jan. 14, 2020, 5 a.m.


The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that \\u201clike attracts like\\u201d and that the quality of one\'s thoughts, positive or negative,\\xa0 determines the quality of our lives. But that leaves us with the real talk question of the week\\u2014 \\xa0\\u201cIf we have the power to \\xa0manifest "abundance"\\u2026 why doesn\\u2019t everybody do it? And where does God fit into the whole equation?" On this week\'s episode, YaYa and TRUTH help you navigate it all, alongside special guest, Intuitive life coach Benir Pierre, to clear up some misconceptions and provide some guidance on what it means to manifest abundance in YOUR life. Then in the moon reading we\'ll be discussing how to use the energy from Jan 24th\'s new moon to supercharge your intention for the new year and beyond.
