We've All Heard of God the Father... But What About God the Lover!?!

Published: Sept. 27, 2022, 4 a.m.


In this latest episode YaYa and TRUTH are back with a new and improved, 'Community Pastoral Care' segment where the pair give some insight into the latest Pew Research Center project titled Modeling the Future of Religion in America. They explore a projected future where the majority of American people identify as religious 'nones' or 'somes' (ie. people who either have no religion or who identify as spiritual but not religious).\\xa0 Later in the episode TRUTH delves deep\\xa0into her process of discernment when making big decisions; especially for people who may not be connected to the church or to sources of spiritual guidance. And then finally, for the\\xa0Moon Reading, YaYa takes us through what to expect for the final days of this period of Mercury in retrograde.
