U.S. Economy: Reopening Stifled by Unemployment Bonus

Published: May 29, 2020, 11:55 p.m.

b'States across the nation are giving businesses the green light to reopen, but where are the employees? It seems that a very generous unemployment bonus, authorized by the CARES Act, may be contributing to a decision to remain unemployed. The government is handing out a $600-a-week bonus on top of regular unemployment benefits/ Now, many are getting more from unemployment than they did when they were working. \\xa0 The fact that people are getting this bonus has probably contributed to high rent collection numbers. People have had the money they need to keep up with their obligations. That\\u2019s the whole point of the extra money, to keep people as close to financially whole as possible. \\xa0 www.NewsForInvestors.com'