194-You Just Got Laid Off. Here's What To Do Next!

Published: May 13, 2015, 11 a.m.


Today, we finish out the 3-part series on preparing for layoffs in the coming recession.

Today\'s show will be useful to you, even if you just got notice of your layoff and didn\'t do anything to prepare for it beforehand.

The major theme of today\'s show is that you need to take appropriate action with appropriate speed. If you\'re stuck with little savings and no preparation, that means take massive action, now! If you\'ve planned a bit better in advance, it means be strategic and thoughtful.

We discuss:

  • The impact of self-confidence on your job hunt.
  • The importance of having work now and not being unemployed for a long time.
  • How to take massive action on your job hunt for quicker results.
  • What types of approaches are most successful for job hunters.
  • Some radical strategies you can plan for that will enable you to simply wait out and enjoy the recession instead of being stressed by it!


