192-Recession is Coming: How to Not Get Laid Off In the Next Recession

Published: May 11, 2015, 4 p.m.


For most of us, our jobs are the economic engine that drive every aspect of our financial plan. One of the worst things that can happen is to lose a job.

If the engine on your car dies, you\'re going to be stuck by the side of the road for a while. That\'s not pleasant for anyone, even if you\'re stuck in a safe area. But, if you\'re driving up a mountain (paying off debt and digging yourself out of a hole), having your engine die can be disastrous. And, if you have a destination in mind (financial independence), losing the engine in your car will at least delay you from reaching your destination.

So, the key is plan in advance to not lose the engine. Make sure you\'re doing the things you need to be doing now to avoid being laid off.

Obviously, you can\'t guarantee that you\'ll never be laid off, but you can do a lot to improve your possibilities!

On today\'s show, we cover:

  • The need to proactively improve your position within your company, your company\'s position within the industry, and your industry\'s overall prospects in advance.
  • Some ways to know if you\'ve got a big target on your back or a small target on your back with the HR people are figuring out who to cut.
  • The importance of competing with your fellow employees and of collaborating and cooperating with them and why both are valuable.
  • Ways to stand out and produce up to 4x the output of your fellow employees.

Enjoy the show!

