181-Why We Need More Discussion of Politics, Religion, Philosophy, Morality, and Ethics in Finance, Not Less

Published: April 21, 2015, 8:21 p.m.


Every single aspect of personal finance is influenced politics, religion, and philosophy. Every law and every decision has a moral and ethical component to it.


In modern conversation, we\'re unaccustomed to talking about philosophy and ethics. We steer away from\\xa0discussing\\xa0politics and religion because we\'re uncomfortable with how we can have a positive relationship with another person even when we disagree.


Or, we\\xa0might\\xa0feel unequipped to battle in the world of philosophical\\xa0or religious ideas.


The problem is that our lives are continuously influenced by others who are battling in the world of politics, religion, and philosophy. And, we\'re subject to the same moral/ethical code as everyone else is regardless if we want to admit it or not!


Worse still, we don\'t have the choice of non-participation. Every dollar of tax we pay, every item we buy, every hour we work affects the larger system in some way. By our actions we are supporting or tearing down various systems and causes.


We are either moving the systems that surround us in a certain direction or we are being moved by them.


The final horrific reality is that most of us are untrained in the fine art of sniffing out propaganda and influence. So, we are subject to it. Most of us would be content to simply sit by and live our lives quietly; it\'s not possible. Because you are in important pawn in others\' plans for you.

Today\'s show is a unique experiment for me in a teaching style. Essentially, I\'m trying to accomplish a few objectives in an interesting and challenging way.

  1. I want you to understand the impact that your worldview has on all of your decisions.
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  3. I want to demonstrate how one specific worldview (in this case formal secular humanism) impacts the broader culture with its stated objectives.
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  5. I want to demonstrate how all of the broader agendas within a governmental system tie back to worldview. Politics are driven by worldview.
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  7. I want to demonstrate how propoganda and media are used to promote an idea in the general culture and how incredibly effective that can be.
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  9. I want you to see an example of a propaganda effort that has achieved massive cultural change over your lifetime so that you can learn the skills to sniff out other agendas--specifically other agendas that are closely related to finance.
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  11. I want you to see and understand\\xa0that it\'s completely impossible to disconnect the social aspects of life and their associated moral questions from the daily, practical & financial aspects of life. You\'ve got to be a consistent human being with a clear and consistent framework.
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  13. I want you to see and understand how theories change and adjust over time and how society changes throughout history.
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I hope you enjoy the show. It\'s an unusual discussion but it\'s an important one.


I will be building on the content of this show in future episodes as we sort our way through the swamps of financial movements, theories, and conspiracies in the future.


Let the critical thinking skills commence!




p.s., I\'ve tagged this show with the [EXPLICIT] label because of the content and some of the words used. This show is most appropriate for adult audiences, not for children.


