PWTorch Dailycast - The Deep...Dive with Rich Fann - Jacqui Pratt PhD talks rhetoric & importance of words used/not used in wrestling, more

Published: Oct. 6, 2019, 1:28 a.m.

Jacqui Pratt is a band member, academic, wrestling fan, and, most importantly, she is a Deep Diver! Listen as Jacqui and Rich discuss the week in wrestling with regard to the portrayal of women vis a vis men in the respective companies. Jacqui then goes in-depth with her analysis of the Young Bucks - World's Cutest Tag Team match that was a huge part of her PhD dissertation, how that match put Candice LeRae into a prominent role that had not really existed prior, current booking of women in WWE and elsewhere, the importance of rhetorical velocity and seeing where things are going, not just where they are, Jacqui's wrestle punk band Cheap Pop, her new film company Low Spirits, and more!