PWTorch Dailycast - The Deep...Dive w/Fann - Interview series continues with Steve Manders talking influences, plus Steve Williams' thoughts

Published: April 26, 2020, 5:14 a.m.

This week continues a series of interviews with independent wrestlers that deserve more of a spotlight in 2020. This week, Iowa-based Steven Manders, the Cornbelt Cowboy, joins Rich and talks the journey from gridiron to the ring, his love for old school All Japan gaijin workers, and how he has taken his football work ethic into the ring and in how he travels for shows. We then chat about his breakout at the SCI futures tournament, which then opened doors to Beyond Wrestling, GCW, and Black Label Pro, as well as his favorite matches and opponents. Then, Steve Williams returns to give his thoughts on Manders, as well as an in-person account of how well-received Manders has been in the indy scene since the SCI tournament - and a convo on love. We cover everything when we dive!