PWTorch Dailycast - The Deep...Dive - Cooling & Mooney talk Vince McMahon & Harvey Weinstein parallels, "The Boys," and "Dr. Who"

Published: Aug. 2, 2022, 1:05 a.m.

b'Will Cooling welcomes back Darren Mooney to The Deep Dive! They catch up about "Peacemaker" and quickly discuss "The Boys" before Will springs discussing the parallels between Vince McMahon and Harvey Weinstein\'s falls from grace on Darren, which leads to some fascinating discussions about how quickly companies can implode, the advantage Vince has as a public figure, and how social media makes us all somewhat complicit in abuse. They then talk about the scheduled topic of the show - Darren\'s new book on the infamous "Doctor Who" episode Kill the Moon. They discuss its odd mixture of the adult and the childish, the enduring and unique appeal of "Doctor Who," and the overly rigid mindsets of fandom. On a lighter note, they explore to what extent the episode is a metaphor for abortion. We end with booking our very own Doctor Who wrestling match. Great show with Darren as always.

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