89: How to Pass on the Lessons from a 20+ Year Public Defender Career w/Andre Vitale

Published: Feb. 7, 2023, 11 a.m.


With the grueling nature of Public Defense work, it takes a special combination of internal and external motivations to navigate a 20+ year career in the field. Today on the show our guest, Andre Vitale, shares with us how he managed the highs and lows of working in Public Defense in three separate states.



When his career started, Andre served as a line defender in the Monroe, County Public Defender Office in Rochester New York. After more than a decade there, Andre spent a year in King County Washington, to help refine his skills as a Public Defense Trainer. After finally landing in the Hudson Trial region in New Jersey, Andre has helped to cultivate inciteful and productive training programs for Public Defense around the country. As he sees it in order to get Public Defense where it needs to go, a robust training program is a must, and it is part of what kept him going through all of these years!




Andre Vitale, Acting First Assistant Deputy Public Defender, Trial Chief, Hudson Trial Region at New Jersey Office of the Public Defender


NJ Office of the Public Defender




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