82: The Tech NonProfit Accelerating People Out of the U.S. Justice System w/Serena Chang

Published: Jan. 12, 2023, 11 a.m.


Across the country, outdated and disconnected data systems keep thousands of people stuck in prison or on community supervision long after they should technically be free. Today, Hunter spoke with Serena Chang, a product manager at Recidiviz, a tech nonprofit working to solve this problem and make the criminal justice system fairer, smaller, and more effective.


As discussed in the episode with Jason Tashea, the legal system is slow to incorporate new technology. Yet for States and organizations around the country, it\\u2019s becoming obvious they can no longer operate a legal system based on individuals enter data by hand or relying on the memory of a few overworked officials. This is where Recidiviz enters the conversation. Tune in to hear how Serena and Recidiviz craft individualized, yet scalable solutions that aim at reducing the power and reach of the American prison industrial complex!




Serena Chang, Product Manager, Recidiviz


Key Topics:

Serena\\u2019s journey to Recidiviz [5:00]

The Problems facing the legal system [6:35]

How to craft solutions and how they worked in Idaho [14:25]

How states get introduced into Recidiviz\\u2019 work [23:04]

How Recidiviz works on policy [25:10]

Ensuring increasing efficiency does not simply increase the efficiency of incarceration [28:37]

Preventing the states from using data collected to implement more pro carceral policy [31:27]

Ensuring equal access to tools [34:05]

Plans for expansion [36:10]

How to access Recidiviz\\u2019 pre-existing tools [38:35]

Data Protection [40:35]

What would happen if bad/illegal behavior by the state came to light [42:30]

Trends Recidiviz noticed in their data collection [44:25]

Goals for organization [46:58]

How to start partnership [49:15]

Offering solutions that do not increase the size and power of the Department of Corrections [51:40]

Working with a PD Office [54:20]

How to learn more and identify problems [56:22]








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