37: How to Train the Next Generation of Public Defense Leaders with Jeff Sherr and Heather Hall

Published: Aug. 12, 2022, 10 a.m.


This week, Hunter spoke with Jeff Sherr and Heather Hall of the National Association of Public Defense to discuss the importance of training the next generation of Public Defense Leaders.

Over their careers, Jeff and Heather have seen first hand the transformation in the types of people drawn to Public Defense. This evolution from warriors in the court room to advocates in the policy realm has only be possible thanks to the development of new training methods that focus on the communication skills of Public Defender leaders, but this training must extend to more than just Public Defenders.

As an organization that caters to all members of a Public Defense team, the NAPD is essential to ensuring every member of an office is equipped with the tools to provide holistic representation to every client!

Key Topics and Takeaways:

Crafting Training Programs/Development of Training Goals [12:45]

Challenges and Opportunities in Bringing together different jobs in Public Defense [16:05]

Brining Different Types of Public Defenders Together [20:21]

Different Public Defender Motivations [24:00]

Different Training for Different Kinds of Advocacy [33:50]

The Challenges of Leadership [42:00]

Creating Communication Models that Work in Different Places [44:08]

How do You Convince a Community Trust Public Defense Again [50:40]


Jeff Sherr, Director of Training, National Association of Public Defense

Heather Hall, Engagement Director, National Association of Public Defense




National Association of Public Defense



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