Patreon Bonus Episode

Published: Nov. 21, 2023, 5 a.m.

b'As Thanksgiving week unfolds, we have an exciting surprise for our listeners \\u2014 a bonus episode that offers a sneak peek into the kind of content we regularly share on Psychopedia Unhinged over at\\ Join Tank and Slater as we dive (more like dip our toes) into cases featured on the main Psychopedia podcast.\\xa0 With Tank given the green light to unhinge and explore any topic that pops into mind, well, let\'s just say anything goes!\\xa0 Slater\'s sanity be damned.\\xa0 If you\'d like to join our Patreon family, we have two tiers to choose from: the $10 "Semen Demon" tier and the $5 "Little Freaks" tier.\\xa0 \\xa0Head on over to check out the unique content each tier offers and consider joining us!\\xa0 \\xa0Because we\'d love to have you.\\xa0 Hope you enjoy this bonus episode, in which we discuss EP36: California Cannibal.\\xa0 And, Happy Thanksgiving!\\n Instagram + Threads: @psychopediapod @tank.sinatra @investigatorslater\\n Patreon:\\\\n Email:\\\\n Website:\\\\n \\n The co-hosts of this podcast were not present at the time(s) of the events described.\\xa0 Consequently, the information contained in this podcast was obtained from third-party resources and research which we relied upon.\\xa0 As such, we are unable to guarantee the absolute accuracy, completeness, usefulness and/or\\xa0 timeliness of the content(s) of this podcast, and assume no liability for any errors and/or omissions as to such content, and/or any offered opinions and/or comments.\\n \\n \\nTo learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit:\\n \\n Learn more about your ad choices. Visit'