Freud, S. (1921) Psycho-analysis and Telepathy. SE XVIII

Published: April 21, 2022, 4:11 a.m.


Sigmund Freud (1921) Psychoanalysis and Telepathy, translated by J Strachey. Translator\'s note: "...there was a gathering of Freud\'s closest followers: Abraham, Eitington, Ferenczi, Rank and Sachs, besides Dr Jones himself. It was to this unofficial group that the paper seems to have been read."


Please note I have not read this prior to reading it aloud for you. I have most certainly mispronounced the French and German and even some of the English words in this text. You may also hear ambient animal sounds in the background, a runny nose, and a need for water. 


This is read aloud for educational purposes only. I do not own the rights to this work.
