Why You Need to Take Massive Action for Success in Dentistry PDP078

Published: July 1, 2021, 6:18 a.m.

b"Are you enjoying a fulfilling career? Is this how you imagined life would be in Dentistry? If not, are you going to do anything about it? My guest, Laura Bailey did! Growth and improvement is not linear. Taking MASSIVE action is the answer!\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nhttps://youtu.be/nDloghDpYsE\\nCheck out this full video episode on YouTube!\\n\\n\\n\\nNeed to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!\\n\\n\\n\\nProtrusive Dental Pearl:\\xa0 Write something down that you're going to change in your life or your work, and then COMMIT to it until you get the desired result. I\\u2019ll say it again, commit until you get the desired result!\\n\\n\\n\\nHere with me is someone who commits to take a massive action, Laura Bailey, whom I work with on Fridays (we are both a little crazy and we love cricket - dream team!)\\n\\n\\n\\n\\u201cBut you can't expect to know everything and be able to do everything.\\u201d - Laura Bailey\\n\\n\\n\\nIn this episode, we discussed:\\n\\n\\n\\nPrincipals taking risk with their young associates - business side, implementing treatment?Building healthy relationships with colleaguesSigns to look in a clinic for young dentists/therapists to work inTaking a leap of faithHaving a nurse support system\\n\\n\\n\\nCheck out Laura Bailey on Instagram!\\n\\n\\n\\nIf you liked this episode, you might also enjoy How to Win at Life and Succeed in Dentistry \\u2013 Emotional Intelligence\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nClick here for Full Episode Transcription\\n\\n\\n\\nOpening Snippet: Have you ever been in a situation in your clinical practice that you\\u2019ve been unhappy, or you felt something is lacking? Or you just think that where you need to be as a dentist, as a therapist, as a student, whatever you are, you\\u2019re not living to your full potential. \\n\\n\\n\\nJaz\\u2019s Introduction:\\xa0I\\u2019ve been through something similar before, and I guess I took massive action. And I don\\u2019t want to elaborate too much of my story because my guest today is just going to do so much justice with this episode and I want you to hear her story because it\\u2019s just so inspiring.I just love everything that Laura Bailey has achieved and you know, she\\u2019s going from strength to strength and I\\u2019m going to introduce her properly in a moment, but to just rewind the year a little bit with myself, when I woke up from my Saturday job was working in this mixed fixed practice, I got to a stage where I had this sick feeling in my stomach and I looked at my wife and I said \\u201cSim, I don\\u2019t think I want to go to work today.\\u201dThis is something that I\\u2019ve never felt this way forward, I\\u2019m a bit of a workaholic and I just I just felt like it was toxic, not because the practice was toxic, whatever it\\u2019s just that I at the time, in the system, in the place I was working, I felt that I was just overworked and I felt as though I was not achieving my goals as a dentist. Achieving my goals as someone who loves to learn and grow as a dentist. So, at that time I felt as though I had to take massive action.And I took massive action because I handed in my notice and eventually, we moved to Singapore, like we did something absolutely crazy. Okay, so the theme of this episode is to take massive action. Now, my favorite definition of massive action. What I mean by massive action is to commit to taking action until you get the desired result. Let me say it again, you commit to taking action until you get your desired result, and it sounds very easy to do, but how many people think of us about doing something? They toy with an idea, or the risk is too great and they and they shy away.What I mean is that you commit to something and then you work on it until it gets done okay? They make it even more tangible for you. Okay? Imagine you\\u2019re a dentist who has done lots of courses, now an implant, okay? And you\\u2019re just getting one or two implant cases a month and you\\u2019re like, whoa, this is I mean, I made this huge investment in time. I feel as though implants are my passion and I\\u2019m just not getting enough cases to actually make it worthwhile.And maybe then you lose your mojo, you lose your excitement,"