Dahl Part 2 (The Spicy Bit) PDP017

Published: Jan. 9, 2020, 11:18 p.m.

b"Dr Tif Qureshi is back for Dahl Part 2!\\n\\n\\n\\nNeed to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!\\n\\n\\n\\nWe build on that awesome first episode (Episode 16) and discuss:\\n\\n\\n\\nContraindications of Dahl TechniqueMaximising successUses of splints during Dahl Technique \\u2013 is that even possible? What type? When?Communicating with our patientsAssessing the Envelope of FunctionWhat if Dahl fails?Deprogramming prior to DahlWhat if the Dahl wears down years down the line \\u2013 how to \\u2018recycle\\u2019 Dahl techniqueInfluence of Digital on Dahl technique?\\n\\n\\n\\nOn the show, I promised Tif I would share a full protocol case with him \\u2013 you can see this on my Protrusive Facebook page here.\\n\\n\\n\\n*PROTRUSIVE DENTAL PEARL*\\n\\n\\n\\nA \\xa330 composite heater! This mug warmer looks really posh and can be used to heat composite and local anaesthetic.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6WuuHI__oA\\nCheck out this full episode on YouTube\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nClick below for full episode transcript:\\n\\n\\n\\nOpening Snippet: I actually seen quite a few cases have been posted online on one or two articles written, you know, people have said Oh, it's not sure if it's gonna. Actually, it's not gonna work. And the way I view it is if someone's got an in standing premotor and they need a dahl, because why not just have you know, a few mouths or a couple mouths of ortho, you know, it's not a rocket science to move that tooth, that's the point if you've got a little bit of, you know, dahl is effectively like doing some ortho. It's like doing some ortho but we're talking about biplane...\\n\\n\\n\\nJaz's Introduction: Hello, everyone, and welcome to Episode 17. The one that so many of you have been pestering me about. I sort of teased you with the first episode with Dr. Tif Qureshi Dahl part one, and then I threw in the 12 rules of dentistry which was please say greatly received. And then a lot of people got value from that. And now to continue on from that cliffhanger I left you on with Dr. Tif Qureshi. I've got dahl Part Two for you today. So this will be the spicy part. Now, before we get into an excellent conversation with the top man that is Doc Tif Qureshi some important things. Firstly, a very Happy New Year to all my listeners. Thank you so much for tuning in in my first proper year. 2019 was really the first year I started podcasting. And honestly, I really, really appreciate you taking your time to listen to it. I struggle to listen to myself, you know, I make myself cringe. But the fact that other people are listening to me is just it blows my mind. So thank you so much. A massive shout out to one of my listeners. I'm not gonna ask him but he messaged me to say thank you. Because somehow the episode with Druh Shah and myself episode 3 transition to private had such an influence on him that he decided to change his environment, change his mindset. And he thinks that good things have happened because of it. So now he's in, his goal was to be in full time private practice, and now looks like in the coming months he'll be able to achieve that. So if I've had that sort of influence on him, that has literally made it completely worth my while. And that's exactly what I like to do for as many people as I can. I love sharing my enthusiasm and my love for dentistry. And it's so great to hear stories like that. So thanks so much for reaching out to me. And thank you Dhru Shah as well for a great episode that we did in Episode Three. Secondly, I'm really sorry that I didn't give you a Protrusive Dental pearl with the last episode to make up for it. I'm going to give you today a really, really awesome pProtrusive Dental pearl which can save you hundreds of pounds potentially. Okay, so Hear me out this pearl or this hack will save you money on buying a composite heater. So the first question that some people ask when we talk about heated composite or a composite heater is why would you heat the composite in the first place. So from my understanding from in-vitro studies,"