5 Lessons from Lincoln Harris PDP054

Published: Dec. 30, 2020, 6:43 p.m.

b"**UPDATE** Discount codes for RipeGlobal valid until 31st January 2021 - thank you RipeGlobal for sharing these for the Protruserati!\\n\\n\\n\\n20% off standard monthly membership Code: RipeLearn\\n\\n\\n\\n30% off standard annual membership Code: RipeAnnual\\n\\n\\n\\n30% off premium annual membership Code: RipeJaz\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nhttps://youtu.be/-iSs8v3pz7Y\\nThis man has taught me so much!\\n\\n\\n\\nI would like to share with you 5 Key Lessons that Lincoln Harris has taught me (out of hundreds!). It was a tough list to whittle down to just Five. I have learned so much from this incredible Dentist, Mentor and Leader in Dentistry. \\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nWhen I first asked Linc to come on the podcast, I thought to myself, 'This guy is ridiculously gifted in every aspect of Dentistry. What should the theme be for this episode?!'\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nhttps://youtu.be/QjM3YYM2o84\\nA great way to think about Written Consent: Setting Realistic Expectations\\n\\n\\n\\nNeed to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!\\n\\n\\n\\nI then settled on timeless, non-clinical lessons that I have picked up from him over time:\\n\\n\\n\\nLesson 1 - The Stages of Grief\\n\\n\\n\\nI sometimes noticed that as I was explaining a treatment plan to a patient, their body language started to shift. They started to fold their arms. What was going on here? The penny dropped when Lincoln taught me how the stages of grief apply to Dentistry!\\n\\n\\n\\nLesson 2 - When Dentistry get complex, slow down\\n\\n\\n\\nWe all want to be efficient Dentists. However, Lincoln Harris taught me that the more complex Dentistry becomes, the more you need to slow down. This has been powerful.\\n\\n\\n\\nLesson 3 - Photos - Every patient, every time!How that fits in to the workflow of a consultation\\n\\n\\n\\nWell, I was already taking a hell of a lot of photos before I met Lincoln. But now even the emergency patient that has been squeezed in at 4.50pm on Friday afternoon will get a few clinical intra-oral photos!\\n\\n\\n\\nLesson 4 - There is no evidence for what is the best treatment for YOUR patient. How we give our patients too many options\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nhttps://youtu.be/VhkTUOerLkw\\nEvidence Based Dentistry, anyone?\\n\\n\\n\\nI have agonised and agonised over what is the best treatment plan for patients. You then end up sounding unsure of the plan yourself. Sometimes we have to go with our gut!\\n\\n\\n\\nLesson 5 - How to overcome being uncomfortable discussing fees with patients\\n\\n\\n\\nWe all have a number. Above this number, we get a funny feeling in your stomach. What's your number?\\n\\n\\n\\nIf you enjoyed this episode, then do check out eMax Onlays and Vertipreps with Jason Smithson!\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nClick below for full episode transcript:\\n\\n\\n\\nEpisode Teaser: Sometimes you do have to say, look, this is not the right time in your life to do this because this type of dentistry is better not to do until you can really do it well and right at the moment I'm going to make too many compromises. It would be better for you to spend nothing than to do half a job.\\n\\n\\n\\nEpisode Teaser:So let's keep you stable. We'll keep your maintenance cycle. We'll maintain your teeth as best we can. Make sure you don't lose any more. But this is not the best time for you to do it because we have to make so many compromises. You probably won't be happy and you'll have still spent most of your money.\\n\\n\\n\\nJaz\\u2019s Introduction:Protruserati, I want you to think of a dentist who has inspired you a lot. Think of a dentist who has taught you so many clinical and non clinical gems. Think of a dentist who you really admire because they are just brilliant at everything they do and you just love interacting with their with their sort of content whether they put content out there or any sort of messages that they send you any mentorship they give you and you're just in awe of that dentist.\\n\\n\\n\\nFor me, that dentist is Dr Lincoln Harris who I'm so so so happy to be sharing this episode with you guys. He has been such a huge Influence in my career, in my career trajectory. He's one of the dentists. He's probably the main dentist. Alongside with great dentists like Chris Soar,"