YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH YAHUAH! - Unlocking True Belief and Power

Published: Dec. 18, 2023, 7:05 a.m.


In this transformative episode of our podcast, we delve deep into the empowering message of Phil 4:13, providing a correct translation that opens the door to a profound understanding of its true significance.

\\U0001f4d6 Phil 4:13 Revisited: We start by revisiting this well-known verse, offering a correct translation that brings clarity and empowers our listeners with the knowledge that through YAHUAH, anything is possible.

\\U0001f31f Scriptural Journey of Empowerment: Our journey continues through the Scriptures, demonstrating how true belief in YAHUAH alone can enable us to 'do all things.' We explore pivotal verses, including Yishayahu (Isaiah) 43:11, which declares YAHUAH as the only Savior. This foundational truth sets the stage for our exploration of Yahuhanan (John) 14:5-9, where Yahusha proclaims His identity as YAHUAH, therefore settling the debate over 2 Names. There is only one Name that leads to salvation, and that Name is YAHUAH.

\\U0001f50d A Critical Intersection of Faith: This episode brings listeners to a critical juncture - to acknowledge and accept that Yahusha is YAHUAH, as there is only one Savior. This realization challenges many conventional beliefs and compels our audience to re-examine their understanding of salvation and eternal power.

\\u2728 A Call to Belief and Action: We invite our listeners to embrace this truth, not only as a theological concept but as a practical guide for life. Understanding that 'doing all things through YAHUAH' is rooted in a deep belief in His true nature and identity as revealed in the Scriptures.

Join us in this enlightening episode as we uncover the true power and potential of belief in YAHUAH and His manifestation through Yahusha. It's an invitation to transform your life through faith, understanding, and the acceptance of the one true Savior.

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Blessings and Love,
Promote The Truth

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