The Pasah (Passover) - Is It Still Valid Today?

Published: April 14, 2022, 10:36 p.m.

b'"Passover/Pasach (Is It Still Valid Today)" Lev 23:4 \\u2018These are the appointed times of YAHUAH, set-apart gatherings which you are to proclaim at their appointed times. Lev 23:5 \\u2018In the first new moon, on the fourteenth day of the new moon, between the evenings, is the Pasach to YAHUAH. Most of us have read these verses before any wondered if we\'re supposed to celebrate Passover today. If so, how are we to observe it? Watch this video to learn about Passover and how we are to incorporate it into our modern day lives.\\xa0 This foundational information is based on "original" and/or "earlier" Scripture translations that do not cover crucial information. The modern day translators and scribes have left out the most important word and words in the world that lead to salvation. Listen in to learn the truth.'