The Cat A merry go round

Published: Feb. 23, 2021, 5:25 p.m.

b'This podcast brought to you by the Prison Law team joined by Barrister, Matthew Stanbury of Garden Court North to discuss some of the raising concerns in Prisoner Category A reviews within the English and Welsh Prison System.

They will be discussing matters concerning;

\\u2022The current situation of the Security Categorisation system and concerns of detainees managing to escape the prison
\\u2022Transparency of the categorisation reviews; is the prison services trying to stop prisoners been released to the community by hiding information?
\\u2022Has rehabilitation been considered in terms of downgrading categories, are the high-security estate focusing on security rather than rehabilitation?
\\u2022Do the prisoners have the ability to show that their risk is lower in terms of resources available to them, does the MOJ meet the demand for programs in the high-security estate?
\\u2022Does the Cat As team treat prisoners who are maintaining innocence differently, in terms of releasing/downgrading them compared with other prisoners?
\\u2022The possibilities of a Cat A Prisoner being moved to open conditions.'