Q&A: Nuchal Cord (Umbilical Cord Wrapped Around Neck)

Published: Feb. 7, 2018, 8:30 a.m.

A nuchal cord happens when the umbilical cord is wrapped 360 degrees around a baby’s neck. If this does not resolve itself before birth then a baby can be born with their umbilical cord wrapped around their neck. While this may sound like cause for alarm, there are a lot of misconceptions around nuchal cords and whether they are dangerous to your baby. Nuchal cords happen quite frequently, in over 27% of term births and doctors and midwives should be experienced in births where the baby has the cord wrapped around their neck. This episode answers a few questions from a listener about whether a nuchal cord is a big deal, the risks associated with nuchal cords, and how it can affect delayed cord clamping.


Show notes: http://pregnancypodcast.com/nuchalcord/


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