Q&A: Baby Laundry Detergent

Published: Nov. 8, 2017, 8:30 a.m.

Newborn babies have really sensitive skin. At birth, your baby will have just spent the last 9 months in your belly totally protected from the outside world and things like chemicals or fragrances. A lot of companies market products specifically for use with babies and laundry detergent is no exception. You will be doing a lot of laundry with a new baby. Do you need to treat it differently than you do the laundry of other family members? This episode answers a listener question about whether you need to special laundry detergent for your baby.


Show notes: http://pregnancypodcast.com/detergent/


Thank you to Mommy Steps for their support of this episode. Mommy Steps makes insoles specifically for pregnancy. They have insoles for athletic shoes and ones for flats or boots. You can even heat them in your oven and mold them to your own foot to make you more comfortable and to prevent foot issues during pregnancy. Mommy Steps is offering an exclusive discount for listeners of the Pregnancy Podcast. Go to http://pregnancypodcast.com/feet/ and enter the promo code FEET to save 20% off.


Thank you to Zahler for their support of this episode. Zahler makes a high quality prenatal vitamin that has the active form of folate, that I refer after all of the research I have read on folic acid, plus it has omega 3s and DHA. This is the prenatal vitamin I take and the one I recommend. Zahler is offering an exclusive discount to listeners of the Pregnancy Podcast. To check out the vitamin and find out how you can save 25% when you buy a one month supply on Amazon go to http://pregnancypodcast.com/vitamin/