5: The Third Trimester

Published: Oct. 18, 2015, 7:30 a.m.

Welcome to the third and last trimester!  The third trimester goes from weeks 28 until your baby’s birth.  Your pregnancy is measured in forty weeks, but some babies like to hang out in your belly a little longer and can go a week or two past their due date.  If you are in your third trimester, congratulations, you are in the home stretch until you get to meet your little guy or girl.  This trimester can be a bit challenging as your belly keeps growing and you have some new symptoms as a result of carrying around more weight and you may also find yourself anxious to have your baby and ready to be done being pregnant.  Keep in mind, you are almost at the finish line and when you get to meet your baby all of the hoopla that came along with being pregnant is 100% worth it, so hang in there!