150: Body Image During Pregnancy & After Baby

Published: March 10, 2019, 8:30 a.m.

Body image during pregnancy and after having a baby is not something that just affects someone who was previously anorexic or struggled with their weight. Body image applies to anyone who is pregnant. I have yet to meet anyone who was confident about all of the physical changes going on during pregnancy. That doesn’t mean those people do not exist, but that definitely isn’t the majority. The many physical and emotional changes that come with carrying a baby puts your body through a major transformation. These changes are necessary to have a healthy baby. It is impossible to create a new life without going through a major transformation. This episode prepares you for what body changes to expect during pregnancy, what influences our body image, the research on body image, and evidence based interventions to improve it.


Show Notes: http://pregnancypodcast.com/episode150/


Thank you to Zahler for their support of this episode. Zahler makes a high quality prenatal vitamin that has the active form of folate, that I prefer after all of the research I have read on folic acid, plus it has omega 3s and DHA. This is the prenatal vitamin I take and the one I recommend. Zahler is offering an exclusive discount to listeners of the Pregnancy Podcast. To check out the vitamin and find out how you can save 25% when you buy a one month supply on Amazon go to http://pregnancypodcast.com/vitamin/


Thank you to Motherhood Maternity, the best resource for maternity clothes, for their support of this episode. I shopped here during both of my pregnancies and was really happy with the selection, quality, and the prices. I know it can overwhelming to think about not fitting into anything in your closet and it is 100% worth it to invest in maternity clothes. You do not have to sacrifice comfort or style when you are expecting. You can shop at your local Motherhood store or shop online and you can get 40% off one item for the month of March with the code MAMA40 when you shop online. To check Motherhood Maternity out you can visit http://pregnancypodcast.com/maternityclothes/