Matthew Chapman - The Ledge

Published: July 5, 2011, 12:30 a.m.


Host: Chris Mooney


It's not often that Hollywood takes up the subject of atheism directly\\u2014much less sympathetically.


Even rarer is finding this in a film starring major names like Liv Tyler and Terence Howard.


But that's what Matthew Chapman has achieved in The Ledge\\u2014which also stars Patrick Wilson and Charlie Hunnan.


Besides being a screenwriter and author, Chapman himself is an atheist, freethinker, science advocate, and great-great grandson of Charles Darwin.


Without giving away the plot of The Ledge\\u2014which opens on July 8 in New York and Los Angeles\\u2014suffice it to say that it is a gutsy defense of freethinking and unbelief, framed as a star-studded romantic thriller. And perhaps even more than any work of nonfiction, it may have a unique potential to drive a national conversation about atheism.


So recently, Chris Mooney caught up with Matthew Chapman for lunch in New York City to interview him about the film, what inspired it, and what he hopes its impact will be.
