18. Julian Baggini: Mistrust the lucky ducky

Published: Sept. 19, 2008, 9:54 a.m.

“In marketing and in politics people have got more sophisticated in their manipulation techniques, so more than ever we need to know what they are, so that we can spot the truth when we see it.” Julian Baggini is the first guest to pay a return visit to the Podularity studio. I last interviewed him back in March in programme 8, A Philosopher in Everytown, when he talked to me about the folk philosophy of the English. Julian’s been publishing very actively lately and when I spoke to him last week we talked about two new books which he has brought out this year. In a future programme, you can hear my interview about Complaint, in which he puts the case for “the noble art of complaining”. This week, though, the focus of our discussion is bad arguments. Listen to the interview and find out why logic is like a sausage machine… You may also hear a rainstorm going on in the background at the start of the interview…