PodQuest 34 Worst of 2014, Hearthstone, Dragons, and News

Published: Dec. 25, 2014, 2:02 a.m.

b'It\'s Christmas Eve everyone! And as our gift to all of you, we\'ve got a brand new episode of PodQuest to get you through the long wait to Christmas morning!
\\nMan what a lame week for news it was last week! Fear not though, with the end of the year quickly approaching we fill in the gaps by talking about some of our biggest let downs of the years. Along with plenty of banter about the newly available on Android (Finally!) Hearthstone, some Dragon Age and of course the little news that happened.
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\\nIntro and Outro music Mega Man 2 \'Project X2 - Title Screen\' OC ReMix courtesy of Project X over at OCRemix