Automation is Key to Print Business Success with Wim Fransen, Enfocus

Published: March 2, 2018, 11:26 p.m.


Wim Fransen is the Managing Director of Enfocus, a leading software company specializing in the development of tools to\\xa0control the quality of PDF files\\xa0for print, and to\\xa0automate workflow processes\\xa0in the\\xa0graphic arts industry.\\xa0

In this episode, we learn more about Enfocus\\u2019 products, their latest updates and developments and their view on the future of print in its relation to software. We also hear about the interesting changes in the market that Enfocus is seeing and how they are adapting to the new millennial workforce. We find out more about the struggles businesses face with the automation process and how Enfocus is working to make this process smoother as we head off into a more automated print future.\\xa0

Links Mentioned in Today\\u2019s Episode:

Wim Fransen on LinkedIn\\xa0



