
Published: March 19, 2023, 10 a.m.


Being insecure refers to a state of feeling uncertain, anxious, or self-doubting about oneself or one's abilities. It is a common human experience and can manifest in various forms, such as social insecurity, physical insecurity, emotional insecurity, and intellectual insecurity.

People who are insecure may struggle with low self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence. They may constantly compare themselves to others, fear rejection or failure, and seek validation and approval from others. Insecurity can also lead to negative thought patterns, such as pessimism, self-criticism, and self-doubt, which can further fuel feelings of insecurity.

Insecurity can have various causes, such as past experiences of rejection or trauma, negative messages from parents or peers, cultural and societal standards of beauty or success, and personal beliefs and values.

Dealing with insecurity can be a challenging process, but it is possible to overcome. In this message, Pastor Philip unpacked few practical steps to overcome the insecurity.\\xa0
