Fantasy Files: How do quarterbacks perform without their No. 1 wide receiver?

Published: July 16, 2021, 7 a.m.

b'Host Ian Hartitz breaks down how present-day quarterbacks have performed without the services of their No. 1 wide receiver. The main lesson for the day: correlation doesn\'t imply causation. Football is such a random sport and features a small sample size; be careful about honing in on one single variable. With that said, Ian does believe there\'s an argument to be made that the "Ewing Theory" could apply to a team losing their alpha target-hog receiver. Ian only finds five applicable instances of a quarterback missing their No. 1 receiver for an ample amount of time, but does seem to believe Matt Ryan\'s performance without Julio Jones could be actionable in fantasy land ahead of 2021.\\n\\n\\n\\nExample from last season: Josh Allen (1:55) Why some QBs get better without their WR1 (2:53) Setting the parameters (4:10) Baker has been better without OBJ (6:10) Mahomes has better YPA without Tyreek: something or nothing? (8:27) Drew Lock without Sutton is inconclusive (10:05) Aaron Rodgers without Davante is similar to Mahomes-Tyreek (10:42) What Matt Ryan without Julio tells us (11:06) Where to draft Matt Ryan (14:08)\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'