Nick Rossi | 53

Published: June 15, 2023, 4 a.m.

b'Nick Alahverdian grew up jumping from abusive foster home to abusive foster home but he came out on the other side and as an adult he fought to change the foster care system \\u2014catching the attention of several high profile politicians, but Nick had a dirty secret that several people came forward about, and eventually the cops and even FBI wanted answers.\\xa0Unfortunately, he died in February 2020\\u2026or so we thought...\\nThis story is bizarre and current with updates expected later this month! Don\\u2019t worry, we\\u2019ll get you up to speed\\xa0\\nJoin our Patreon for bonus episodes, check out our website for merch, and follow us on TikTok,\\xa0Instagram & YouTube\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nProduced by Jacob Hollabaugh'