Cari Farver | 79

Published: Dec. 14, 2023, 5 a.m.

b"When 36-year-old single dad, Dave Kroupa, decided to start dating again after breaking up with his long term girlfriend, he was hesitant to start anything serious. That's why he was relieved when he met Cari Farver, who also wanted to keep the relationship casual...Until one day when she abruptly suggested that they live together. When Dave said no, he had no idea that it would lead to years of harassment\\xa0and stalking. As new evidence starts to come to light, detectives start second guessing whether Cari is the villain\\xa0or a victim.\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0\\nProduced by Jacob Hollabaugh\\nJoin our Patreon for bonus episodes, check out our website for merch, and follow us on TikTok,\\xa0Instagram & YouTube"