Not Not Sin

Published: May 13, 2017, 4 a.m.

By request comes this poignant sermon from April 2014. Most of the harshest criticism against Christianity is that a Christian doesn't walk out their faith. However, a true Christian is known by their fruit, not by their perfect walking out of Christianity. Many people think a Christian ought to walk their faith perfectly, but they are not Jesus Christ.This message details belief in Jesus Christ and what it would do. Just as Alcoholics Anonymous is not about not drinking, Christianity is not about not sinning. If an alcoholic does not get to the 12th step, he will remain stuck in his problems. If a Christian does not move beyond trying not to sin, they will also get stuck.In other words, recovery, Christianity, and anything worth doing, ultimately is not about you. It is about a life of giving and loving. If you do not understand this, or do not believe this, then I understand why you would not want to listen to this message. It would get you out of your comfort zone and maybe help you not be so self focused. And, if you were not so self focused, you might change the world. Of course, that might take some work. And people might criticize you. But it's worth it.Support the show