snacktime - buddhist regret @way out weirdo wednesday #42

Published: Oct. 2, 2020, 4:38 p.m.

davelybob started booking shows 19 years ago in the stlpunk scene. years later his first gigs as a performer were sitting in with catholic guilt as part of a rather lengthy list of rotating musicians supplementing the core trio of sean burk, joe stein, and nick zengerling (who dave knew from booking his old band krafted in korea).\nfast forward over a decade of reigning as one of STL's most celebrated and perverse noise units, and catholic guilt has been in an extended hiatus pretty much since releasing their box set & dvd board game a couple years ago (you heard me), further deepened by sean moving to california.\xa0 they are not dead though, merely sleeping\nanyways, the writing had been on the wall for davelybob, and anticipating winding down most of his booking activities, he wanted nothing more than to blast the way out club with his homies one last time, so he lassoed joe and zeng for this monster of a set. it didn't seem right using the catholic guilt name without sean, hence the tongue in cheek moniker ;)\nyeah.\xa0 good times.