Calming Our Vegus Nerve With Sensate

Published: March 17, 2022, 9:01 p.m.

b"*The episode is in partnership with Sensate*

One of the things that has really been helping me to relax recently is a genius bit of tech called a Sensate. I first came across it when it was recommended by my brilliant nutritionist Charlotte Faure Green (I'll be getting her on the podcast soon), who specialises in stress and anxiety relief and told me that with daily use, the Sensate should help to relieve my anxiety.

I have found the Sensate to be so amazing that I needed to find out more and got in touch with the company who invented it. The rest as they say is history and they have joined forces with me on the podcast so that we can get a really good insight into how this bit of tech came about and what makes it so effective at reducing stress.

During the episode I get to know Michelle Laven who has been with Sensate since the start and we have a great chat about the current stress explosion that so many of us are experiencing, I learn more about the vegas nerve and also about how the Sensate works its magic.

If you'd like \\xa320 off a Sensate then head to and use code OUTSPOKEN."