1: S1E01 Danger in the Dark Scary Stories Told in the Dark

Published: Dec. 13, 2017, 6 a.m.

b'In this debut episode of _[Scary Stories Told in the Dark](http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/shows/scary-stories-told-in-the-dark/)_, we bring you two terrifying tales from authors [Jeff Hartin](http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/authors/jeff-hartin/) and [Polum Chill](http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/authors/polum-chill/), performed by host and narrator [Otis Jiry](http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/performers/otis-jiry/), about things that go bump in the night, in the dark\\u2026. and which react in interesting fashion to light. Sometimes, it turns out, it\\u2019s better to see what\\u2019s after you. Other times, not so much. After all, you can never be quite what sort of \\u201c_Danger in the Dark_\\u201d is on your tail. See full episode details, including the text of the featured stories, here: [http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/series/scary-stories-told-in-the-dark/s1e01/](http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/series/scary-stories-told-in-the-dark/s1e01/)\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices'