The Top/Bottom Problem

Published: Feb. 26, 2017, 7 a.m.

A certain host of the Otaku Spirit Animecast has been holding back his frustration over a particular element in anime romance, and it’s time for him to finally let loose. Listen in to find out what’s the problem with the whole Top and Bottom system in romance. How it does and doesn’t deliver. Topics this episode: Common terms and what they mean, the top/bottom hierarchy, writing tools, goods and bads in its use, issues with opposite gender writing, fantasies versus realistic interpretation, the fujoshi, passionate fanbases, and more! The opening song for this episode is the OP for wolf Girl and Black Prince called “LOVE GOOD TIME” by SpecialThanks. The closing song for this episode is the ED for Wolf Girl and Black Prince called “Ookami Heart” by Oresama.