966: An Excerpt From "Reimagined" by Barbara Rapaport on Why Detachment Isn't Always Bad

Published: May 16, 2021, 7 a.m.

b'Barbara Rapaport shares an excerpt from her book titled, "Reimagined"\\nEpisode 966: An Excerpt From "Reimagined" by Barbara Rapaport on Why Detachment Isn\'t Always Bad\\nAll her life, Barbara Rapaport had been struggling to reconcile two sides of her personality: the one who felt compelled to remain behind the scenes and the one who gave herself permission to stand in the spotlight. In this candid and emotionally true memoir, Rapaport recounts her harrowing experience battling a rare form of cancer. The story of Rapaport\\u2019s suffering as a result of her cancer surgery, and subsequent prolonged recovery, reveals that the tyranny of her physical pain wasn\\u2019t the worst of what she had to endure. Rather, it served as a smokescreen for an even greater agony \\u2013 that neither of her personas, the quiet good girl nor the successful warrior deserved to live.With extraordinary self-awareness, Reimagined toggles back and forth between Rapaport\\u2019s adult cancer journey and the childhood trauma that gave rise to these false beliefs. Her story beautifully illustrates a truth many of us live with: that our childhood demons are never very far away. But with courage and fortitude we can gain the perspective necessary to acquire what\\u2019s long avoided us: radical self-acceptance.\\nMore about the book can be found here:\\nhttps://www.amazon.com/Reimagined-Barbara-Rapaport/dp/1736342002\\xa0\\nCalm is offering a special limited time promotion of 40% off a Calm Premium subscription at CALM.COM/ORD\\nPlease Rate & Review the Show!\\n\\xa0Visit Me Online at OLDPodcast.com\\xa0and in\\xa0The O.L.D. Facebook Group\\n\\xa0Join the Ol\' Family to get your Free Gifts and\\xa0join our online community: OLDPodcast.com/group\\n\\xa0\\nInterested in advertising on the show? Visit\\xa0https://www.advertisecast.com/OptimalRelationshipsDailyMarriageParenting\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'