891: An Excerpt From the Book "The Argument Hangover" by Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman on Communicating With Your Partner

Published: Feb. 8, 2021, 8 a.m.

b'Authors and married couple Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman share an excerpt from their new book titled "The Argument Hangover"\\nEpisode 891: An Excerpt From the Book "The Argument Hangover" by Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman on Communicating With Your Partner\\nJocelyn & Aaron Freeman are authors of The New Power Couple, and The Argument Hangover. They are founders of Empowered Couples University: where busy couples unlearn unhealthy patterns and gain the relationship skills none of us learned growing up.\\n\\u200d\\nThey are sought after relationship coaches, and have worked with celebrities, public figures, and thousands of couples around the world. They have shared the stage with Tony Robbins, have been guest instructors at universities like UCLA, and were nominated as Arizona\'s 40 Under 40 Influencers.\\nMore about the book can be found here:\\nhttps://theargumenthangover.com\\nTen Ten\'s limited-edition collection of diamond engagement rings is available at http://BlueNile.com.\\nCalm is offering a special limited time promotion of 40% off a Calm Premium subscription at CALM.COM/ORD\\nPlease Rate & Review the Show!\\n\\xa0Visit Me Online at OLDPodcast.com\\xa0and in\\xa0The O.L.D. Facebook Group\\n\\xa0Join the Ol\' Family to get your Free Gifts and\\xa0join our online community: OLDPodcast.com/group\\n\\xa0\\nInterested in advertising on the show? Visit\\xa0https://www.advertisecast.com/OptimalRelationshipsDailyMarriageParenting\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'