#99: How to Create a List Building Blitz Campaign

Published: Feb. 25, 2016, 3:24 a.m.

b'Over the last few years, I\'ve noticed that one\\xa0of the big reasons my students struggle with list building is that they\\xa0lack consistent original content in their marketing strategy.\\nIt\'s an easy trap to fall into. After all, creating content takes time, effort and creativity.\\nYou might even be thinking "Amy, all my focus is going into creating my product for sale. How am I supposed to come up with fresh original content every week?"\\nWell, good news--this episode is all about helping you create just one piece of amazing content each month.\\nYou heard right. Each. Month.\\nWhen you have that one piece of amazing epic content, you can spin it out into every marketing channel in your toolbox with the overall goal of building your list.\\nContent Comes in Three Stages\\nI think there\\u2019s a lot of confusion out there around content. It seems simple, but when\\xa0I sat down and started mapping what successful content looks like in different contexts, I\'ll admit that even I got confused!\\nSo I checked in with a\\xa0good friend from\\xa0my corporate job days. She\\u2019s the best at dissecting content and explaining where\\xa0it shines the brightest. And what she showed me is that there are three main stages\\xa0of content:\\n\\nPaid\\n\\nFree lead magnet\\n\\nJust plain free (not even for an opt-in)\\n\\nNotice I said "stages." All three\\xa0of these types of content are related to each other--which means every time you create one kind of content, the other two are\\xa0super easy to create out of it.\\xa0Click here\\xa0to find out how you can use the main themes within\\xa0your paid product to create epic\\xa0content that builds your list!\\nEasy Strategies for Getting More Mileage Out of\\xa0Your Epic Content\\nNow, like I said earlier, the "meat" of the\\xa0strategy we\\u2019re diving into in this episode is getting deliberate about your content creation so you can\\xa0extend it across all your marketing\\xa0channels. When you really get intentional with your content (and create it with your email list in mind), you\'re all to get\\xa0huge mileage out of one piece.\\nAfter all, we\\xa0take our content creation seriously. So why not put a bigger focus on getting it in front of more people while we\\u2019re creating it?\\nIn this episode, I\'m going to walk you through three roadmaps for extending\\xa0one piece of epic content into every major marketing platform you use.\\nTo make it extremely easy for you, I\'ve put together some free\\xa0worksheets\\xa0that show how to break up your content into different platforms within each roadmap.\\xa0Click here to get them now!\\nEPISODE FREEBIE Get Your Free Cheat Sheet: "The List Builders Blitz Campaign"\\n FREE DOWNLOAD\\nTo get the most out of today\'s topic, you\'ll really want to listen to the whole\\xa0episode. But I\'ll outline the roadmaps for you here:\\nStrategy 1:\\xa0Start by writing an epic blog post that includes an epic upgrade (something your readers can take more action on to get more value).\\nFrom there, you\'ll move to emailing your list, creating videos, doing a Periscope, and more.\\xa0Click here to get all the steps now!\\nStrategy 2:\\xa0Start by creating an epic podcast episode with an upgrade.\\nStrategy 3:\\xa0Start by creating\\xa0an epic video.\\nThe End Goal = Your Email List\\nNow, this whole strategy takes a little thought and effort to execute properly. That\'s why you won\\u2019t be using this strategy with every single piece of new content you create. Like I said, I\\u2019m suggesting you be selective with this concept and put it to work about once a month. That gives you lots of room to pace each appearance of the content within your various marketing channels (and to repost it at least once) without making it seem like overload.\\nBottom line, the mindset around your campaign should always be about building your email list by getting people to your freebie. When you\'re creating core quality content with your email list in mind, it uplevels\\xa0everywhere that content appears.'