#74: Write Better Copy: Quick Tips for More Confident Communication

Published: Aug. 30, 2015, 6:35 p.m.

b'I know I have talked about copy many times. But can you blame me? It\\u2019s a hot topic!\\nMany of you that are growing your business online or have been growing your business for a while now still struggle with copy.\\nBelieve me, I get it. I have definitely struggled for years with writing good copy for my business. And when I finally\\xa0felt like I got that "copy mojo," things started to become easier in every aspect\\xa0of my business.\\nThat\'s why I\'m so excited to bring you my\\xa0guest today --\\xa0Nikki Elledge Brown. Along with being\\xa0a proud military spouse, a mom, and a former park ranger, she\'s an amazing communicator and businesswoman. Nikki\\xa0went from teaching communications at college-level to running a business that broke multiple six figures in under 18 months. (Wow, right?)\\nAnd the heart of her business is teaching\\xa0entrepreneurs\\xa0(like you and me) how to write their own copy, better than ever!\\nNikki\'s approach to copy is putting\\xa0it into "recipes." Sales pages, blog posts, video scripts, About pages...she breaks them all down into specific, doable steps that make copywriting\\xa0easier than a "just add water" cake mix!\\nToday\'s show is packed with ridiculously simple recipes\\xa0for every piece of copy you\'ll ever have to write, along with a few to help with your mindset around copywriting.\\nStuff like...\\n\\nHow to write with purpose\\n\\nThe value of YOUR voice (+ how to use it in your copy)\\n\\nSales page tips (how to make it easy for people to buy from you)\\n\\nSample blog post recipe\\n\\nSample blog VIDEO recipe\\n\\nHow to write a great headline in under 10 minutes\\n\\nWhat to do when you\'re not sure what to write about\\n\\nHow to avoid sharing TMI (too much information)\\n\\nHow to master your mindset around copywriting\\n\\nNikki\\xa0also put together our freebie today, which is--you guessed it--a "recipe book" of copywriting formulas. Click\\xa0here\\xa0to get it now!\\nEPISODE FREEBIE Get Nikki\'s "A Course About Copy Class Notes"\\nFREE DOWNLOAD\\nAs I mentioned, Nikki has built\\xa0a hugely successful business in an amazingly short amount of time on her way with\\xa0words. She had over 90 new clients sign up with her in her first two\\xa0months of business!\\nAnd in her words, the key to this kind of growth is not just being good at helping others communicate, but being able to communicate\\xa0her own brand clearly to potential clients.\\n"You are losing money if you aren\\u2019t communicating effectively."\\nFind out Nikki\'s recipes\\xa0for maximizing your revenue potential with easier-than-ever techniques for communicating with your audience. Her free\\xa0PDF\\xa0is about to become your\\xa0copywriting "Joy of Cooking"--an indispensable guide to everything you\'ll ever need to write for your business.\\xa0Click here\\xa0to get it now!'