#71: Masterminding Your Way to Success

Published: Aug. 15, 2015, 5:17 p.m.

b'Next time you\'re networking with a group of entrepreneurs, keep your ears peeled for a\\xa0certain word floating above the conversation.\\nThe word is "mastermind," and it\'s a concept that is trickling down from the multimillion-dollar\\xa0start-up\\xa0set\\xa0to homegrown entrepreneurs like you and me.\\nIf you\'re not familiar with the term, the term\\xa0"mastermind" can have a very\\xa0"Great and Powerful Oz" sound about it.\\xa0Simply put, a mastermind is\\xa0a small, very focused group of business owners\\xa0who meet regularly to sharpen and strengthen their business strategies.\\nOne of the biggest advocates around for mastermind groups is Jaime Tardy, founder of EventualMillionaire.com. Jaime is the kind of person anyone would want in their mastermind group--she has razor-sharp focus, unwavering commitment to her goals, an insatiable appetite to learn...and she\'s also a lot of fun to talk with!\\nJaime joined me this week to talk all things mastermind, and the takeaway is hugely informative. If\\xa0you\'ve been thinking about creating or\\xa0joining\\xa0a mastermind, or even if this is the first time you\'ve\\xa0the term, this episode is going to spell out exactly what the benefits are, what kind of mastermind\\xa0you should be looking for, and how to conduct operations once you get started.\\nJaime\\xa0also put together a worksheet for forming your own mastermind, complete with email scripts for contacting potential members. Click here to download it so you can get started right away!\\nEPISODE FREEBIE Get the 6 Easy Steps for Forming a Mastermind\\n FREE DOWNLOAD\\nShould\\xa0I Pay to Join a Mastermind?\\n"Peer masterminds," as they\'re sometimes called, have these advantages over paid groups:\\n\\nYou have equal say to everyone else in the group--no single person is controlling it.\\n\\nThey tend to last longer than paid subscription-based groups.\\n\\nIt\'s easier to form true friendships with others in the mastermind.\\n\\nShould My Mastermind Only Have People from\\xa0My\\xa0Niche?\\nDefinitely not! Jaime is in a mastermind with a financial advisor, an internet marketer, and a professional sword swallower! What they do have in common is a high regard for systems and processes, and a\\xa0level of success that they\'re trying to reach.\\nHow Do I Know if My Mastermind Is Working?\\nThe same way you know if any relationship is working--if\\xa0you feel mostly positive effects from being involved with it.\\nThere are definitely masterminds that are not a good fit for you, that just don\'t offer what you\'re looking to get out of it.\\nOr perhaps\\xa0it\'s going great for you, but someone else in the mastermind\\xa0is routinely late to meetings, participates minimally, or contributes negative energy.In either case, a few meetings\\xa0is usually all it takes to know that something\'s not working right.\\nGet Jaime\'s insights for keeping your mastermind on track! Click\\xa0here\\xa0to listen to the full interview\\xa0now.\\xa0\\xa0\\nCommit to Your Own Success\\nIt can take one or two tries to find the right group of people for your mastermind. But from my own experience, I can tell you that my entire business changed when I finally locked into the right group.\\nI want you to have the same experience, so if this is something you have been thinking about for a while, commit to\\xa0yourself:\\n"In 30 days I will have created my own small mastermind of five people."\\nBest of all, forming\\xa0your mastermind is so incredibly easy if you follow\\xa0Jaime\'s step-by-step worksheet. Click here to download it now!\\nEPISODE FREEBIE Get the 6 Easy Steps for Forming a Mastermind\\n FREE DOWNLOAD'