#58: Facebook Q & A with Amy

Published: May 14, 2015, 4 p.m.

b'Last week, I put out an invitation on my Facebook page. I invited you to throw all your\\xa0questions about online marketing at me! What do you want to know? Where are you stuck? What are you confused about?\\nWell, the overwhelming majority of the questions people posted on my Facebook page were\\xa0about--surprise!--Facebook. And the questions showed me that it\'s time for a major reframing of how we\\xa0think about Facebook.\\xa0Most people are just not looking at Facebook in a way that\'s going to serve them.\\nAnd since my mission is to help you get results with your online marketing, including your Facebook marketing, we\\u2019ve got to address that...stat!\\nThe Facebook System that Changes Everything!\\nLarissa asks:\\n"How do I increase my FB followers? It seems I have hit a plateau. Also, I don\\u2019t want to spend copious amounts of money with FB ads\\u2026I feel they keep changing the algorithm to line their pockets by making you pay for advertising through them, and no one will see your post." If you feel this way about Facebook ads, then I\\u2019m guessing they haven\\u2019t been working for you. And believe me, I don\'t want you using Facebook ads if you\'re not generating revenue.\\nThis is where we need a reframe. I want to help you see FB as a place where putting in a little bit of money will result in bringing back a lot of money.\\nThe first thing to realize is that\\xa0Facebook ads\\xa0cannot\\xa0work on their own. You have to incorporate them into\\xa0a\\xa0social media sales funnel--a system that\\xa0turns your fans and followers into subscribers to your email list, and turn those names into paying clients.\\xa0\\nI know lots of people who make money every week from Facebook ads, but they aren\'t just using that ad to send people\\xa0to their sales page. They\'re using those ads as part of their\\xa0sales funnel system. That\\u2019s the key to getting the Facebook marketing results you\\u2019re looking for.\\nHow to Make Your Business Bloom\\nTara asks:\\n"I would love to see a visual of how your business blossomed. I mean, there are so many things we\\u2019d like to do in our business, but how did you prioritize the tasks over the years, and most of all, what makes sense to do what when?" Back in 2010, I\\u2019d just quit my corporate job. I didn\\u2019t have a product\\xa0ready to sell yet, so I took some social media consulting clients. By the end of 2011, I looked at my business and thought \\u201cFreedom is a joke!\\u201d I was a yes machine to 8 bosses, practically chained to my desk but never working on what I really wanted to do. I\\u2019d tried to sell a couple of my programs, but they never went anywhere\\u2026much like what some of you are feeling!\\nWe all talk a lot about freedom when building our businesses, but there\\u2019s not really freedom when you\\u2019re not generating revenue!\\n2012 is when I hit upon the importance of this\\xa0sales funnel system. With\\xa0a product to sell and a lead magnet to capture interest, I fell in love with Facebook ads, because I realized how to make them work!\\nThe secret to my business blossoming is all\\xa0in using this system.\\nI don\\u2019t want you going to bed each night worrying about where the next dollar is going to come from! All that does is squash your creativity and confidence.\\nInstead, I want you to wake up excited to build your business each day, enjoying the freedom to work on all the projects that help your business grow,\\xa0and\\xa0taking time for the rest of your life.\\n*The masterclass registration has passed but to be sure to stay on the list for future webinars! Subscribe to my list or checkout\\xa0one of my free cheat sheets here.'