#495: Lacking Self-Worth? Try These 4 Practices

Published: Sept. 6, 2022, 4:31 p.m.

b'When you feel like a total failure, these 4 strategies will get you back on track\\nIf you\\u2019re a living, breathing human being, then I\\u2019d hedge a bet that there have been times where you\\u2019ve doubted yourself and your capabilities as an entrepreneur. In fact, you\\u2019ve probably even wondered, \\u2018Am I even cut out for this?\\u2019\\nBelieve me, sweet friend -- I\\u2019ve been there. One minute you\'re on top of the world and feeling as confident can be, and the next you\\u2019re questioning everything and feeling like a total failure.\\nMaybe you sent an email to your list with an incorrect link, missing a huge sales opportunity (been there!). Or maybe you saw a competitor on social media absolutely crush their launch and you start to compare yourself to them, which is never a good thing (also been there).\\xa0\\nAs business owners, there are so many different triggers that can immediately launch us into feelings of inadequacy -- so what are we supposed to do when our self-worth feels like it\\u2019s just been trampled by a herd of elephants?\\xa0\\nOver the years, I\\u2019ve come up with a handful of ways to get back on track when I start to doubt myself, and I\\u2019m sharing them in this episode. You\\u2019ll hear:\\xa0\\n\\nThe strategy I use to make positive thinking a practice\\n\\nHow to refresh your mindset and restore your belief in yourself\\n\\nThe books I always come back to that remind me of my self-worth\\n\\nWays you can lean into your community for support\\n\\nThis is a great episode to listen to, regardless of where you are in your business journey.\\xa0\\nHappy listening!\\nHere\\u2019s a glance at this episode...\\n\\n[03:27] Give equal airtime to positive thinking. Don\'t beat yourself up, but if you do give just as much time to positive thoughts.\\xa0\\n\\n[05:03] Take a trip down memory lane. Take a pen and paper and write down things that you\'ve accomplished in the last year or the last five years. This refreshes your memory and illustrates how you\'ve stuck with something or accomplished something.\\n\\n[06:50] Read or listen to something that\'s inspiring. Getting inspired every single day will get you to the place you need to be in. Keep a go to inspiration folder.\\xa0\\n\\n[09:06] I want you to brag! It\'s so important to surround yourself with a community of like-minded people. Have a place where you can share your wins with people who will actually understand your level of accomplishment.\\n\\n[11:18]\\xa0You are worth it. You are important. It\'s important that you get your message out into the world. On the days that you\'re not feeling it, try some of these methods.\\n\\nRate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts\\n"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select \\u201cWrite a Review.\\u201d Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!\\nAlso, if you haven\\u2019t done so already, follow the podcast. I\\u2019m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you\\u2019re not following, there\\u2019s a good chance you\\u2019ll miss out. Follow now!'